Hybrid Water Heaters

Hybrid water heaters take a page from their heating and cooling system cousin: the heat pump. In fact, hybrid water heaters are sometimes even referred to as heat pump water heaters, as they function in similar ways, by using electricity to transfer heat from cold air to hot water. While it may sound counterintuitive, hybrid water heaters effectively work like refrigerators but in reverse.

This technology allows hybrid water heaters to be much more efficient than conventional water heaters that require electricity or gas to heat up the water directly. This is especially important for both the climate and consumers’ pocketbooks, as water heating accounts for 19% of all U.S. household electricity use. By switching to a qualified hybrid water heater (some of which can reach efficiencies two to three times that of standard models), a household can save almost $300 annually, according to the Department of Energy.

These incredible savings help pay back the initial additional investment required for a hybrid water heater in just a couple of years, and that does not even take into account possible incentives for switching. Additionally, given that hybrid / heat pump water heaters can last between 10 – 15 years, the potential savings can really build up over time. That being said, hybrid water heaters do need more particular environments / surroundings to work properly that may not make them suitable for all homes.

Given the case-by-case nature of hybrid water heaters installations and the fact that not all homes can fit a hybrid water heater, Energize Delaware offers an initial Home Performance Assessment for an extremely low co-pay. This program conducts an energy assessment of your home and offers suggestions on how to improve your household’s energy efficiency, even offering rebates for the installation of a hybrid water heater or alternative efficient water heating devices.

Start the scheduling process here.


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